Забанили на аутпосте, помогите плиззз

Тема в разделе "Разговоры о Steam", создана пользователем Ace, 21 сен 2014.

  1. Ace


    Забанили на аутпосте, помогите плиззз. фото вверху.

    You have been banned until Sep 28th, 2014 6:38pm by sirploko. The reason for this ban is as follows:

    You broke 3 rules:

    No spamming. This rule applies to both trade notes and offers, where spam is considered:
    Excessive posting. Posting the same thing multiple times on the same trade.

    No insults. We do not tolerate any kind of abusive language or general rude attitude towards any users.

    Please do not make trades with...
    CD keys, game keys, gift codes, etc.
    If you would like to appeal your ban, then please submit an appeal below explaining why you feel that this ban is unjust. Any rudeness will result in your ban being extended indefinitely. Please do not use an alternate account or ask another user to trade on your behalf to evade this ban — doing so will result in both accounts being banned permanently. It would be preferred if you use English with correct grammar and phrasing for your appeal.

    If you believe that you have been hijacked then you need to write a ticket to Steam Support in order to to regain control of your Steam account. Once you have regained control your account, take a screenshot of your entire ticket with Steam Support (use multiple images if you have to), upload it to any image hosting website (making sure you include the ticket number in your screenshots) and post links here in your appeal with a short explanation of what happened.

    прошу помощи, как можно на это ответить плиз, или в лс

    Позже отпишусь, мож разбанят

    I realized my first lesson
    I will not sell keys ativatsii !!!

    Forgive me please
    PS, I will not insult
    mothers fathers sisters brothers....

    кароче все равно мамку ипал того америкоса из-за которого меня забанили
    #1 21 сен 2014
  2. krishtian


    Ну от этого ты не отмажешься, недельку в бане прийдется посидеть...
    #2 21 сен 2014